Monday, May 11, 2009

What Tablets To Take For Chest Infection

PARIS - 05.04.2009

Paris worth a mass!

is substantially true.

If you want to grow, to see what's outside the national stage, but above all begin to have known the great events, the marathon of Paris may be the right solution.


Provided fed unrestrained sympathy for the "roosters"

provided that you never need them

provided you know the French by heart

to observe and obey as long as you know - often - without asking questions

provided you a pious mind and understanding

provided they put aside - for the entire duration of your stay - not so much Taranto own mentality as the elasticity of mind.


Because I'll put my atherosclerosis and as usual the French are not friendly to my skin (Basque ... too, too mime, the Eiffel Tower too, too foualrd around the neck and too "Bastille Day" ..) but it must be said that they do not even liking.

are too rigid, too anaelastici ... but thanks to this their rigidity, and everything works great ... 'is what pisses me off even more! :)

Okay ... so I stay at my house and - "Huguenot" that are nothing more - I have crowned the king of France with the great staff

3h 15min and 19sec!

Travel companions

I left for Paris in the company of Eddy, and Peter ... Clement. Well in better hands could not happen! :)

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here she is - get off the plane - which way to study "penetrate" in Paris.

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.... The ensemble!


I make a premise.

addition to having been ill for several days now as always happens to me several years at Christmas time, but never like this when I train is weighed.

I weighed it all. Also what I enjoy in general.

It all went so and so to say this lily.

skipped workouts. Repeated


Lughi lughissimi and interrupted for a variety of ailments, from fatigue to sense an upset stomach, cold and frost rain.

So this sense of listlessness has come to involve the organizational aspect of the trip. So much so that if it were not Eddy - that holy woman who first thank you and all who organized in every detail (including the request to the Council will grant the Order for all of us) - for sure I would see in Paris on deferred Eurosport sitting on the couch.

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... I know many of you will think that this is a picture ... but I can assure you that footage was taken at Brindisi airport just minutes before taking the flight to Rome ...

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... so better not!?! :) Prettier than this! :) The trip

We left Brindisi and we made a stopover in Rome, where waiting ...

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.. the "boys" were engaged in more recreational activities while I went to greet my dear friend and colleague Sergio ... Eddy asked that the photo

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... after a few moments of madness ... everything is back to normal ...

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... and everyone has taken their habits ...

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. ... missed the photo with the gloves ...

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... 3 ... like San Cataldo! ...:) ...

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climbed on ... 'plane I immediately noticed he had what in slang is called a classic shot of ass ... middle-aged lady who after eating ...

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... this! ... did you clean your teeth with your finger! ...:)

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... Eddy ... while relaxing Clemente attempts to open the door to 10,000 meters above sea level! :) Friday, April 3, 2009

Just arrived in Pari .. Clementon Piero and I went to pick up race packs and pecs.

The marathon expo is something awesome.

seems an Eden is all around and at any price.

Kindness is the host.

I wandered around for about 2 hours and I left while they were closing ... reluctantly!

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The entrance of the expo.

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the wall of participants for the prior year .. A small

curiosity: the corridor leading to the shops of the expo is dotted with pictures of marathon runners absolutely normal .. nothing .. pro 6min/km by common people ... ... and the photos are wonderful it could be hours looking at them! Who knows maybe next year there may be a bluish my close to 39 ° km !?!?!? :)

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... the usual photo booth nike girls ... have lent themselves easily enough ... but it was easier to leave Silvia Melis, who deal with their responsibility to get permission to shoot!

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And by and by ... more But here are '....:)

oh no! I do not see why they chose a Citroen or Renault as a time machine! :) Leaving

Expo we went to the neighborhood "Sea" for dinner in a Jewish restaurant. I liked them a lot but the consequences are dragged me up the next day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Eddy at a good pace and I we walked towards the start of the race.

Just to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere it was.

Meanwhile, however, we realized that we were right in front of the headquarters of the exhibition of "Endi Uarol" (I call it that) that we planned and then we took advantage ..

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... in a row while waiting for the others ...

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left the show .. we walked a bit 'to the Latin Quarter .. obligatory photos the "Sorbonne" ..

then Clementon Piero and continued ... and I

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... I returned to the hotel ..

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little stroll after dinner ... ..

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in ... wonderful scenery! ...

The Race


Breakfast at 6.30

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... seems to me obvious that we are operating as they say "at some level "..:)

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timer noir ... ... ... in the elevator



... we walk ... I had decided to leave at 7:15 ... and the choice has been proven right ... because in the end we were ready for the race when it lacked a little over 20 minutes to start.

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in meters ... ...

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... very modern ...

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... Piero is "finishing" her breakfast! ...

joints near the arch of triumph ..

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.. the usual photos ... before "losing" as always! :) ..

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with Eddy ... ...

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... alone ... as tradition! ...

So. Although the preparation had gone - as I said - "not good" that day I was in shape. I felt good. Or maybe I was just much more relaxed, knowing that it could not expect anything from myself.

And so I decided to start.

I try to follow the peacer of 3h and 12min!

I thought "I care?! .. Then if I try" lineage "... we think." But I would point out how this reasoning is not really correct.

Especially in reference to the marathon (which must always be respected or I'll crushes).

I must say that the test was successful .. I am more concerned about the boredom factor that not having the legs and lungs in the 42 km!

Ready Via ... a snake winds along the Champs Elysees and I say no ... and no one wanted to push. All in place .. until passing under the ball of the start. From there the race.

I marched peacefully with peacer and with that group of "sick" as me trying to keep up.

However, around 15 km mark, the hare has felt an urgent need for our physiological and disappeared.

We "sailed" a little 'to view and about 5-6 km we took a rate even slightly higher than expected.

the transition to the half, however, everything was back to normal and we have certificates finding the right fit. I use the plural because I found myself running with a French guy with whom we have not said anything for 42 km (he did not speak English ... I know ... like .... I do not speak Italian ... so not the only big smiles, offers of water and sponges, and to ask if everything looks ok).

After the half, everything went well up to 35 ° - 36 ° km, when I started to feel some "contraction" to entrmbi the hamstrings, I hoped that it was a passing thing, but at 39 km mark the sad omen came true: the cramps!

the 39th km on the leg and another at the 40th km. Strong that I should stop. My race - I think - I've lost it all there. In those 180 seconds that cursed helped me to resume running at the rate of the first.

so strong that hot Unfortunately I was not used.

Moreover up to a week before we were loose at 10 degrees.

Running 42km at 18 ° C is totally different.

The fact is they get to run the last 500 meters with the people who makes you and the announcer says "... tri auar an fiftin!" (3h and 15min!) Gives you the 'incredible strength. Understand that you must not give up ... it is not can not .. but it is just a "duty".

It is a "moral duty". What have you against yourself, you have brought in around 3 months in the early morning with the cold and the wind, the rain sometimes when people look at you like an alien and says ".. you're crazy! ". With yourself that you have squeezed all the damn long .. collapsing on Wednesday for the cold and the cramps in the 32km and 34 km.

E 'a moral duty because I, who grew up a bit and I'm learning - a lot - from the "masters" of the old school (To be clear that you split in two with the long and repeated, people from 5000 km per year), I can not finish a race if you put into it all myself.

Oh well. I beg your forgiveness for this bracket that I decided to dedicate to another post.

My other friends have done so:

Eddy 3h 59min

Piero 3h and 4h 29min and 20min


Errors or omissions:)

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... there are things that can not be described !!!..

and there are others that needed to be there! :)

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After the race, unable to kill "mecdonald" ... I have "killed" in any other way! :)

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... I do not think having more and adds no!? :)

you soon friends!


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