Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Mi Paste Really Work

Super foods you can not do without - Part D

Almonds to revive the face

Dreams a smoother skin? You must give your body the right amount of vitamin E , which keeps tissues elastic, advises Evelyn Flack , nutritionist. They

virtues recognized by Chinese medicine, which recommended not only to nourish the skin, to facilitate the functioning of the intestine and relieve the cough, especially when dry, clear Grace Rotolo, an expert in Chinese medicine .

the most effective against this disorder are bitter almonds, which must however be taken preferably in the form of decoction (prepared by boiling a few almonds in water, after 5-6 minutes, turn off the heat, filter and drink a cup a day).

With bitter is better not to exceed the dose of 4 per day, this amount is not likely to be affected by the toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, a substance contained in this type of almonds, which must always deprive the film, says Grace Rotolo .

An incident that did not have almonds, so use them: 4 almonds a day is a great snack, even if you're on a diet, suggests Dr. Evelina Flack, and before going to the gym to relieve hunger and give you full of nutrients.

Three ways to use them for beauty

For the face: blend a handful of almonds with milk and a tablespoon of cocoa powder, apply on face for 10 minutes: almonds and cocoa have an emollient, ideal for preparing the skin to the sun.

For the body: two handfuls of chopped almonds, 4 tablespoons of ground coffee, the zest of a lemon, add honey until creamy; massage on the body scrub to this smoothing action, plus the lemon contains vitamin C, which softens the skin and limonene, a substance that has a slimming effect.

For hair: blend a handful of almonds, a few drops of almond oil, 2 tablespoons oatmeal, half a coconut, you'll get an ideal shampoo for brittle hair.

article: Fitness - 2007


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