Monday, August 4, 2008

Is It Safe To Sleep By A Wood Stove



DA VINCI, 41 74020 Beech

humanitarian project "RUN FOR THE CONGO"

At the Marathon Faggianese of 28/09/2008, the ' Faggiano Podistica sports association will present the humanitarian project "Run for Congo."

The intent is to help African athletes in what is a common passion: sports. By by ideological and political arguments that has nothing to do with the sport, the Podistica Faggiano has decided to collect technical material to be sent directly to Father Sabino, Head of Mission in Congo, which will distribute it among the younger generation, including those who do not even have a pair of shoes for running.

A collection center will be set up at the start of the race of beech, but the data may also be made at the registered office of the company, Faggiano, the attention of. Giuseppe Esposito, telephone number 099/5912624. Furthermore, this collection will continue in the main Corripuglia races included in the circuit.

The material collected will eventually be sent to Bologna, the Italian branch of the Mission and will be shipped here in the African country.

The financing of the operation will be borne by the sponsors involved in the project.

Please donate technical equipment still usable, clean and properly packed.

Providing what we believe is no longer suitable for our sporting ambitions is, however, for others less fortunate than us, a source of great joy and an indispensable tool to achieve own sporting passion. It would be the case that we all never forget the good fortune of our existential condition and helped, with a small gesture, who would eventually run at least wearing a pair of shoes ...

Help us to help those in need .. . much more than we ......

For further information contact the project manager Stephen bottle at 3498725689 or 3283385058.


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